A disclaimer is a reservation that is made to exclude certain responsibilities or liabilities or limit. It is also called a safeguard clause. Below the disclaimer of Airpo Taxi Service BVBA.
Legal Information
- The company Airpo Taxi Service BVBA, Jules Van Praetstraat 50, 8000 Bruges, Belgium, explains they are the owners of this website.
- The person responsible for the publication of this website is Joey Blommaert (manager).
- If you would have any comments about this website, you can contact us at the address: info@airpotaxiservice.be
- All content on this website is intended for informational purposes only.
- Airpo Taxi Service BVBA makes every effort to update the website on a regular basis, yet Airpo Taxi Service BVBA can not guarantee that any information or data correct and / or complete. Airpo Taxi Service BVBA can not be held liable for any damages or loss arising from access to, consultation or use of information, data and publications on the website.
Third parties
This website provides links to third party websites. Airpo Taxi Service BVBA herein is not a middleman and is not in any way responsible for the contents of third party websites.
The personal data obtained via this website may be used for internal purposes and promotion. You have the right to object to the use of this data for the purposes stated above. You also have the right to see this person’s actual data about you and, if incorrect, to have to adjust.